
Real Housewives' hottest bikini bodies!

Real Housewives stars don't seem to mind showing of their bikini bodies (thanks to their great plastic surgeons). Let us check out some of them - 
Melissa Gorga (Real Housewives of New Jersey) -

Teresa Giudice (Real Housewives of New Jersey) -

Kelly Bensimon (Real Housewives of New York) -

Gretchen Rossi (Real Housewives of Orange County) -

Kim Zolciak (Real Housewives of Atlanta) -

Tamra Barney (Real Housewives of Orange County) -

Camille Grammer (Real Housewives of Beverly Hills) -

Ramona Singer (Real Housewives of New York) -

Sonja Morgan (Real Housewives of New York) -

Alexis Bellino (Real Housewives of Orange County) -

Michaele Salahi (Real Housewives of Washington DC) -

Taylor Armstrong (Real Housewives of Beverly Hills) -

Brandi Glanville (Real Housewives of Beverly Hills) -

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